Hint at the ‘Art of Horizons’ Book.

In a flurry of kung-fu like precision posting, Douglas “Dark Jedi” Shuler has once again brought the light of Dev/Fan information exhange into our lives. Ulairi from Horizons Vault asked for some insight on whether or not the Horizons concept art would be made into a post production art book. Here is the complete quoted reply:

Yes, Anthony Waters and I are DEFINATELY producing the ‘Art Of Horizons’ book. We’ve already begun to discuss preliminary issues, such as size, general content, layout, page count, and focus. We’ll get more serious about it later this year.
Regarding the art; more will be coming. I’m gonna do what I can to make sure the updates happen as promised. We’re all SWAMPED at AE, but the updates are important.

You can also view the post on the boards here. If the artwork is consistently this good throughout the project, I would definitely purchase a copy 🙂

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