HoMM V: Tribes of the East v3.01 Patch Released

Ubisoft has released a v3.01 patch for Heroes of Might and Magic V: Tribes of the East that fixes various bugs and adds true widescreen support to the standalone expansion. Grab it from WorthPlaying while reading through the notes:

Features added

‘¢ correct Window Mode support

‘¢ Wide Screen support ( including HDTV resolutions ) (*)

‘¢ Portrait Screen resolutions support

‘¢ Dwarven Subterranean generation for Random Maps

‘¢ Custom Armies generation for Random Maps

‘¢ Water Zones generation for Random Maps

(*) dialog scenes, loading screen and adventure scenes will be shown with correct aspect ratio, but not 100% wide screen

Bugs repaired and changes made:

Stability issues:

‘¢ game no longer crashes after delayed action taken twice

‘¢ game no longer freezes if assassins are engaged in combat and defeated with another hero than Arantir

‘¢ fixed possible multithreading synchronization crash after map loaded and voice over was playing

‘¢ fixed possible crashes when multiple combats triggered simultaneously for same player

‘¢ fixed game crash when player dispels hero curse with several ghosts

‘¢ fixed possible game freezing after a dialog scene at mission end

Camera, graphics, interfaces:

‘¢ fixed empowered spells announcing again and again when getting artifacts and new skills and having no Destruction Magic skill

‘¢ fixed showing player money, instead of ally’s money, when accessing allied town’s Town Build through Kingdom Overview

‘¢ fixed ignoring selected upgrades when hiring a “Buy All” caravan from another town

‘¢ fixed fast skipping several turns by quickly pressing End Turn button in missions with no AI opponents

‘¢ fixed sound not played for Stables at adventure map added special Ghost Mode path plotting for Ghosts

‘¢ fixed dead stacks lying around Cyclops having tooltips and sometimes shown as they can be attacked

‘¢ fixed Defile Magic animation fixed announcing Blood Rage bonuses ahead of actual attack

‘¢ fixed and extended combat log messages fixed creatures numbers remain at battlefield after killed by Arcane Crystal added Dungeon’s Elemental Vision for player in Duel game

‘¢ fixed gaining gold amount shown in red at town Marketplace’s Artifact Selling

‘¢ fixed Next Hero button switching to sleeping heroes

‘¢ fixed Multiplayer Profile Alignment calculation

‘¢ fixed Rain of Arrows perk available in spell book when there are no more visible favorite enemies present

‘¢ fixed cursor showing day path incorrectly when moving from boat to land having a Snatch ability

‘¢ fixed Inferno and Dungeon towns sacrificial building incorrect button tooltips

‘¢ fixed updating of turns counter at Town screen, Hero screen, Creature Info screen and Ghost Info screen (for Simultaneous Turns)

‘¢ fixed incorrect income details sometimes shown at first day of the game

‘¢ fixed interface actions not blocked properly on enemy turns and while playing scripted scenes

‘¢ fixed opening of Walker’s Hut interface by shortcut (“Y” key) at Stronghold town when this building wasn’t built yet

‘¢ fixed host can set password of only 1 character and clients will be unable to connect blocked active hero sleep/wake triggering when interface blocked and on enemy turns

‘¢ added face to hero’s tooltip in combat

‘¢ fixed occupied slots game information in LAN and Ubi.com Multiplayer lobbies when game creator closes some slots or switch them to A.I.

‘¢ fixed player could detect invisible creatures from cursor’s shape using Goblin Trappers’s ability

‘¢ fixed false Stunning Blow animation after Word of the Chief

‘¢ fixed defending army without hero could see creatures elements when attacked by wizard hero with Elemental Vision perk

Gameplay, mechanics, balance:

‘¢ fixed Zehir’s ability to summon creatures if he doesn’t have enough resources

‘¢ fixed double playback of cutscene if user double-clicks on the ritual place

Adventure mechanics and A.I.:

‘¢ fixed possibility to build Grail structure in Stronghold town if town level is below 15

‘¢ fixed impossibility to finish multiple level ups after mission was already won

‘¢ fixed not giving growth bonus for several moon weeks of creatures

‘¢ fixed entering by hero, but not capturing enemy town when attacking only gate cell threaten by enemy hero

‘¢ fixed retreat possibility checking for simplified combats to fit one used in actual combats

‘¢ fixed ship’s model displayed incorrectly after crossing whirlpools in a fast manner

‘¢ fixed alternative upgrades of Haven creatures can’t be trained

‘¢ fixed multiple clicked objects triggering (Seer Hut, Sylana’s Ancient and other)

‘¢ Stronghold’s town Halls now refill Barbarian hero’s mana to maximum after a turn

‘¢ Astrologer Tower week change will now generate monsters at weeks of creatures and display moon weeks announcements

‘¢ Astrologer Tower week change will now affect creatures reserves in towns and dwellings, giving bonuses and penalties

‘¢ fixed hero remembers artifact set part combined after removal when he has same type of artifact in his bag already

‘¢ fixed heroes specializations weren’t working for upgrades of creatures

‘¢ fixed A.I. heroes could stuck in front of caravans

‘¢ fixed Arcane Excellence to give +100 mana only once

‘¢ fixed heroes didn’t learn spells from Academy town after Library build

Combat mechanics and A.I.:

‘¢ fixed Tactics skill working incorrectly when two heroes with the skill meet in battle

‘¢ fixed Battle Griffin can land at occupied position

‘¢ fixed Nomad Centaur does not use Maneuver abilities correctly

‘¢ fixed Nightmares Fear attack

‘¢ fixed retaliation strike from a friendly units attack under Puppet Master or Frenzy spell only affects other friendly units

‘¢ fixed combat AI abusing Defend command and using only Wait command and thus making its army more vulnerable

‘¢ fixed Arcane Crystal explode making open gate shown as closed

‘¢ fixed Arcane Crystal dealing damage to siege walls, gate and towers

‘¢ fixed Mask of Equity giving double bonuses

‘¢ fixed heroes fleeing estimation for Hard and Heroic difficulty levels

‘¢ fixed spells working for Barbarians and war cries working for other heroes classes when given from Editor

‘¢ fixed situation when creature moves with attack under Storm, dies on path, but still attacks target

‘¢ fixed making further attacks after stack already died

‘¢ fixed Sylvan hero can use Rain of Arrows perk on invisible units

‘¢ fixed Deadly Strike, Vorpal Sword and alike attacks reduced by Blood Rage damage reduction

‘¢ fixed Evil-eye not casting debuff onto secondary targets

‘¢ fixed duel 3×3’s illegal combat bonuses granted to gated units as a consequence of switching heroes

‘¢ fixed duel 3×3’s possibility to cast Defile Magic to another hero than one that is opponent’s active

‘¢ fixed duel 3×3’s applying Helmar’s artifact set effects (Dwarven set)

‘¢ fixed duel 3×3’s war machines destroyed for all enemy heroes at once

‘¢ fixed duel 3×3’s incorrect combat bonuses and Firewall working while switching heroes

‘¢ fixed phantom creatures become non-phantom after Vampirism spell applied to them

‘¢ fixed Hives could attack invisible creatures

‘¢ fixed Ride By Attack was used when creature runs away

‘¢ fixed entangled Treants runs away

‘¢ fixed Lucky Spells not working for empowered Deep Freeze

‘¢ fixed AI ignores summoned creatures

‘¢ creatures under Puppet Master or seduction now can be attacked by both armies

‘¢ fixed orcish heroes (Haggash duel preset) could have spells from artifacts (Banish)

‘¢ fixed March of the Golems was not affecting Magnetic Golems’ initiative

‘¢ fixed Horned Leapers could leap when entangled

‘¢ tuned AI to use spells in more active manner

‘¢ fine-tuned A.I. combat targeting, including avoiding of damaging own creatures by destroying Arcane Crystal

Random Map Generator:

‘¢ bug with abandoned mine fixed ( it supplied only gold before )

‘¢ bug with snow road movement penalty fixed

‘¢ new objects added: Redwood Observatory, Den of Thieves, Eldritch Well

‘¢ fixed rare bug with isolated players zones

Map Editor:

‘¢ crash fixed when trying to make screenshot if AI-Geometry mode is active.

‘¢ fixed any heroes can have Barbarian’s abilities


‘¢ fixed scripted AI was unable to find path to target through heroes’ threat area

‘¢ fixed IsHeroInTown script command

‘¢ fixed MessageBox function callback to be called even after message box was closed automaticlly on timeout or turn switch

‘¢ now CaptureTrigger object field works for monsters banks buildings, game will try to call given script function when bank captured

‘¢ fixed growth bonuses was not taken away after dwelling was destroyed from script

‘¢ fixed removing of last creature from stack when there are still more stacks available in monsters army

‘¢ added additional parameters to several script functions

‘¢ added new script functions

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