Hunted: The Demon’s Forge Preview

OXM UK brings us a short preview of Hunted: The Demon’s Forge, which looks to be based on some firsthand time with the game’s Caddoc character.

While we didn’t get the opportunity to give E’lara a spin, it’s already obvious that you’ll be playing very differently depending on which character you choose. Whether that’s enough longevity to warrant two separate playthroughs remains to be seen, particularly as you’ll have the opportunity to switch characters between chapters. Bethesda has said there will be several points where the characters can explore multiple paths and head out on their own.

When they’re together, though, there’ll be banter between them. We’ve only heard a small snippet and it’s by no means cringe-inducing, so it has a cautious nod of approval from us. It’s not all going to be Gears-inspired combat either – there’ll be puzzles dotted throughout to exercise the muscle between your ears as well as those in your thumbs.

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