IGE Targeted by Class Action Lawsuit

Gamasutra is reporting that IGE has been targeted by a class action lawsuit for “reaping substantial profits” from selling World of Warcraft gold and accounts. Given the fact that several popular MMORPG websites have been bought up by IGE, it will be interesting to see what would happen if the company loses its primary income.

Some of the specific effects that the suit is claiming to individual World Of Warcraft subscribers include those of time (“IGE gold farmers strip old scarce and limited virtual world resources and materials”) and devaluation of currency, while also pointing out destroying of “the subscriber experience” through chat spamming, junk mail, and “honest subscribers [being] competitively disadvantaged.”

The suit is particularly targeting Florida’s Deceptive And Unfair Trade Practices Act, as well as consumer protection statutes and various other claimed contraventions, and is seeking a jury trial.

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