IGN’s Best of E3 2007 Awards

IGN has announced their “Best of E3 2007” awards, where they’ve recognized Fallout 3 in three different categories (Best RPG, Best Console Game, Game of the Show) and BioShock in two categories (Best Artistic Design, Best PC Game).

Fallout 3 was one of the few more or less new titles at E3 2007. There’d been a preview event a month or so before the expo, but E3 2007 was the first time a majority of the gaming press got a chance to check it out. For fans of The Elder Scrolls series and the Fallout faithful, it seems like it could satisfy.

Bethesda’s keeping in the open-ended questing present in the franchises, making some needed fixes to their enemy auto-leveling mechanic, and implementing the targeting system and action points of the previous Fallout games in a way that, it seems, is cohesive and fluid. Though Fallout 3 involves the frequent use of firearms and plays from a first person or third-person over-the-shoulder perspective, whatever you prefer, it’s very much an RPG; the way your gun fires and the bullets’ trajectories seem much more dependent on statistics than twitch skill. But aside from how the game stays true to Fallout’s roots, or how gorgeous the world looks, or how it deals with mature thematic elements while maintaining a sense of humor, the game looks like a lot of fun. We can’t wait to play it next year.

Runners up for a few of these same categories include Fable 2, Mass Effect, and The Witcher.

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