IGN’s Top 10 Roleplaying Clichés

IGN has published a humorous list of the top 10 clichés they feel exist in today’s role-playing games. Here’s the first one they list:

Humble Beginnings

Though I am but a simple pig farmer, it appears that I have the potential to become the most powerful hero the world has ever known. Don’t let my youth and inexperience fool you; my destiny will carry me to far greater heights than my lowly origins might suggest. At least that’s what the mysterious stranger who has only just now dropped into my life is saying. The timing is perfect too; it seems that the world is currently being confronted with a cataclysmic danger that only I can prevent. While it seems odd that I should suddenly be hailed as “The Chosen One,” I can only assume that my potential has merely gone unnoticed until now. Perhaps I am suffering from amnesia. Perhaps I have been adopted. That no one seemed to expect much of me will make it all the sweeter when I get to rub my newfound fame in their stupid faces.

Although they claim that Oblivion spurred the feature, I think Fable was the largest influence when coming up with the list.

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