InBITcible Indie Shout Out

Do you dream of creating your own video game? Gathering all those thoughts and ideas and squashing them altogether to a concept, before undertaking the strenuous yet rewarding creation of the game itself? Well, InBITcible Games wanted to do just that, and through trial, error, blood, sweat and tears released their own game.

InBITcible is a mobile game for Android that uses the journey of video game development as the theme of the game. Each of the 40 levels is a stylised step on the journey to video game development. Some of the levels are fairly conceptual while others are straight on the nose, like the level where you have to avoid being literally crushed by anvils of doubt, and negativity.

Every one of the 40 levels is different, often with different controls to master as well. Some are simple ‘avoid the obstacles’, others have you traversing zips, or tapping to a beat. Each level has a number of tangerine segments in them (Why tangerine segments? Honestly don’t know. Maybe they ate a lot of tangerines while working.) Anyway, collect enough of these tangerines and you can unlock more levels, including 8 hidden levels where you change form into either a ball or a ship.

The levels vary in difficult. The first level, where you can only move forward by tapping the screen. You auto-jump but have to stop to avoid obstacles, took me way longer than I thought it would. Yet, other levels I breezed through straight way, although I didn’t get every single tangerine segment. The level where you have to build a tower out of very squishy, slidey blocks was hold-your-breath tense.

The completion of any video-game is an achievement, more so when you don’t have hundreds of people working on it and a million-dollar budget. This game has an original concept and the variation in level design and control keeps things fresh, though the inconsistency in difficulty can be frustrating. I also got trapped behind a door after level 8, being unable to continue until I had collected enough fragments, causing me to go back and do levels over and over again.

If you wanted to take a look at InBITcible you can try out the inBITcible playable demo here , or simply grab the full game from the Google Play store for only a few quid.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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