Indie Games Developer? Head to IndieCade 2012

Indie game developer los angeles oct 2012If you’re an Indie games developer itching to show off your talent, and you can get to Los Angeles in October 2012, then this will likely interest you.

‘IndieCade’s International Festival of Independent Games’ is now taking submissions for this years festival. This is a chance for any Indie games developer to get their game highlighted and shown as one of the most ingenious and original Indie games.

If you want to read more information on this, please read the press release below or visit their site at

Press Release

“Submissions for IndieCade‘s 2012 International Festival of Independent Games are now open at the IndieCade website:

IndieCade invites independent game artists and designers from around the world to submit interactive games of all types. Works-in-progress are encouraged.

IndieCade programs are designed to bring visibility to and facilitate the production of new works in the independent game community.

“Our mission is to spotlight the best cutting-edge work and the most innovative game designs — often thriving at the fringes of the game industry,” Stephanie Barish, CEO, IndieCade explains. “Our goal is to bring public as well as industry attention to exciting, innovative games, created by independent developers.”

Games selected will be spotlighted at the annual IndieCade Festival, Oct. 4 – 7, 2012; featured on IndieCade’s website and promoted via social media. Finalists will be considered for more than 12 categories, with winners honored at a formal awards ceremony during the fall festival.

Game-makers selected as finalists will receive two VIP all-access tickets to IndieCade 2012, including admission to the awards celebration and all VIP receptions and social events.

Any team that submits a game receives a main festival pass; an invitation to participate in IndieXchange, a day long program offering practical workshops, networking opportunities and one-on-one meetings with art leaders, publishers and potential funders.

About IndieCade:

IndieCade supports independent game development globally through a series of international events highlighting the rich, diverse, artistic and culturally significant contributions of indie game developers. IndieCade’s programs are designed to bring visibility to and facilitate the production of new works within the emerging independent game community.

IndieCade was formed by Creative Media Collaborative, an alliance of industry producers and leaders founded in 2005.”

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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