5 Indie Horror Games To Play This Halloween

Yes, we are back again this time with a top 5 indie horror games to play this coming Halloween. These are all games that have come out within the last month or so. And, quite honestly, are probably some of the better indie horrors that are available right now. Let’s jump in!

1. Breathing Fear – Pixel Horror


Of all the types of indie horror games out there, some of the best I have played are pixel horrors. And this one is no different. I was so happy to see a new indie horror like this. It came out earlier this month and looks great. You are trapped inside a creepy house in the woods and have to find what is going on. A typical horror trope but what makes this game interesting is the atmosphere. I used to believe that pixel horrors couldn’t be scary but I was sorely mistaken. Breathing Fear adds a whole new level of suspense. As you travel around the extremely dark house, all you have is your flashlight. But, the lack of lighting in this game makes it scary as hell. You never know if something is going to appear out of the darkness. Creepy, interesting and has some good scares in it. I definitely recommend for a spooky Hallows Eve play through.

Breathing Fear is available on Steam here

2. The Whisperer in the Darkness – Lovecraftian Tale


This one comes straight from good old Lovecraft himself. A visual novel about scary happenings in the hills of Vermont. You play a sceptic, Alex, who is investigating these mysterious events. You can never go wrong with a bit of Lovecraft especially for great and spooky story telling. If you enjoyed ‘The Terrible Old Man’ then this one is for you. Guaranteed to make you feel uncomfortably tense on a dark night alone.

The Whisperer in the Darkness is available on Steam here

3. Blameless – Dumb Architect Simulator


This one goes on the list for sheer creativeness. Personally, not overly terrifying but you may be unnerved at the thought of being home alone. Blameless puts you in the shoes of an architect who is lured out to a building site in the middle of the night. Most normal people would have noped the hell out of that situation. But, apparently this guy likes looking at half built houses late at night. Of course it isn’t long before it all goes wrong. You have to discover what is happening and escape, but you are definitely not alone. This indie horror is short but sweet and completely free. I’m expecting great things from this developer.

Blameless is available on Steam here

4. Trick & Treat – New JRPG Style


As I mentioned in my previous Top 5 Halloween games to play, JRPGs often get it right. The right amount of story, creeps and horror all wrapped up in one. So, when I saw this one available on Steam I was intrigued. And I was not disappointed. It is not perfect and I think the dialogue could use some work in places. But, the story is interesting and the setting is perfect for Halloween since the story revolves around Halloween evening. Hence the title. It’s cute and creepy and it works.

Trick & Treat is available from Steam here

5. True Fear: Forsaken Souls – Part 1


I wasn’t sure about this one to start with. However, it has a lot of potential in terms of scares and story telling. It is a point-and-click style game interspersed with fully animated cut scenes. It has some good graphics and being the first of the series it would be good to see where this goes. I don’t normally enjoy games that have the word ‘fear’ in the title. Mostly because I don’t like being told that I am going to be scared. But, this one seems genuinely creepy. I have yet to play it through myself but I may pick this up for my Halloween evening. Definitely one to keep an eye on.

True Fear: Forsaken Souls is available from Steam here

So, there you have it. Five more horror games that you can pick up this Halloween. None of them are particularly expensive so get on it! I guarantee that they will leave you feeling just that little bit on edge.

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I've always had a passion for games and, since I found my passion for writing, I wanted to write about them. I'll play just about anything if I can get my hands on it. I have an unhealthy obsession with all things Star Wars and my motto is "Never apologise for being a nerd."

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