Indie RPGs Conquer Steam Sales Figures

After being released on Steam earlier this week, both Gaslamp Games’ Dungeons of Dredmor and Zeboyd Games’ Breath of Death VII/Cthulhu Saves the World bundle pack have been enjoying some time at the top two slots of the platform’s “Top Sellers” list. Obviously, much happiness and jubilation is being felt by the respective indie teams – feelings which are covered in this commentary-laden piece on GamePro:

“We’re bouncing off the walls here,” said Cthulhu/Breath of Death developer Robert Boyd via Twitter. “I was reading over the Steam contract and it looks like sales data is considered confidential, so I can’t just share sales data whenever I feel like it like I used to. Given that [Cthulhu/Breath of Death has] been high up on the sales chart since it came out, you can probably make your own guesses on how it’s selling!”

“We’re. a little overwhelmed, and also going about with large grins on our faces,” added Nicholas Vining of Gaslamp Games. “Being #1 on Steam — even if we have been cruelly deposed (for now!) by the Curse of Cthulhu Saving the World — is quite the rush. We should ship games more often. Thank you all for your support and patronage; we’re looking forward to kicking it up to the next level.”

To top the Steam sales charts is an impressive achievement, especially for indie titles. Boyd attributes this to the differing attitudes between PC and console owners towards independent games — PC owners are more willing to take risks on low-cost games than console gamers, it seems.

“Gotta love the different reactions to our $3 price tag,” Boyd continued on Twitter. “PC = ‘$3?! That’s awesome! How do these guys make money?’ XBLIG = ‘$3?! What a rip off!'”

Congratulations, guys. Keep up the good work!

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