Interview with Mythic’s CEO about DAoC

Considering the game’s considerable success after just a couple of days into release, a rather powerful interview with Mark Jacobs, Mythic Entertainment’s CEO, has surfaced at regarding the current issues in Dark Age of Camelot and what Mythic expects in the future. Summing it up nicely:

Q: How many years do you plan to keep this game running, and how do you plan to keep players interested?

A: We plan to keep it running as long as possible. And we are going to be introducing new features constantly. We’re going to do this by keeping every developer we have on the game for a long time. Some companies cut corners by moving the development team on to another game once it’s finished. They put on a smaller “live team” to maintain the game and keep costs down. We’re not going to do that. Every developer who worked on the game is going to continue to stay with the game. We want this to be the No. 1 game in the industry, and we’re willing to pay the price to make that happen.

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