Ion Storm Dallas Studio Tour

If you’ve ever wondered where the Anachronox developers at the Dallas half of (the now defunct) Ion Storm came to work every day, you’re in luck, as the Russ Berger Design Group has given us a guided tour.

Beyond the secured glass doors of the lobby lies a main conference room armed in bullet resistant glass and foreboding roll-down metal doors that are employed when the threat of espionage arises. Totally enclosed individual workstations feature roofs that block the extreme sunlight from above and are tailored to support large screen formats. A recreation room complete with ping-pong table, a pool table and various”old school” video games soothes and revitalizes the computer weary. Separate client and employee lounges comfort and inspire inhabitants.

Besides the requisite workspaces and meeting areas, ION Storm’s office satisfies a variety of specialized technological needs. Original music and sound effects for the games are created in the recording control room and studio. Games in current production are filtered through the Death Match area – a virtual testing ground consisting of nine networked stations. Adjacent to the Death Match area is a 12-monitor viewing bay where bystanders witness battles-in-progress.

Maybe if they hadn’t designed such a lavish studio, they’d still be in business.

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