Jade Empire: Special Edition Reviews

Two more favorable reviews of BioWare’s Jade Empire: Special Edition have been posted to the web. The first is at Games Xtreme with an overall score of 8.0/10:

All in all though the PC special edition of the game is a worthy addition to the library of titles and it’s a definite must for Bioware fans and action/RPG fans alike.

While the other is at gameSlave with an overall score of 8.5/10:

It’s not worth Xbox fans of Jade Empire buying the PC version. The amount of new content just isn’t enough (a couple of new fighting styles and the odd new bad guy), but newcomers to the game will be enraptured by its charm; lovers of a good story and frustrated button-bashers will love this game in equal measure – and rightly so. Bow and prepare for battle, apprentice: you won’t regret it.

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