Jason Manley Q&A

The Dragon’s Breath Forge was able to ask several questions of Jason Manley, one of the artists at Black Isle Studios, about what he’s working on at the moment, his thoughts about Icewind Dale and its expansions, and more. Here’s a snippet:

    Q: Black Isle has been very silent since the cancellation of TORN. What are you guys up to now?

    A: Currently we have two games in development. I am helping with all sorts of different things on one of the two…everything from the box art and the logo illustration to character and landscape art. For the project I am on, things are coming along very well. I am seeing new art daily and everything is looking as good as it possibly can.

    I’d bet that you will be hearing some things about the project I am working with very soon. I have seen the website concepts and designs as well as the ad and box stuff. All are near completion. Everyone is doing a great job. What that date is…I really am not sure. Sooner rather than later I imagine.

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