Journey For Elysium Developers Release Dev Diary 4

With the release of Journey for Elysium getting ever closer, developers Mantis Games have released their 4th Developer Diary where the award nominated Indie VR devs discuss their take on Greek mythos and tragedy.

The Journey For Elysium Dev Diary #4 – Story

This edition of the developer diaries looks at the narrative of the game and how all the various pieces were combined into the finished product. They’re also very happy about the brilliant reception that Journey to Elysium received at various Industry events, including its nomination at the Gamescom Awards for best VR game, to its invitation to participate in the Tokyo Games Show’s Indie Selection event.

If you want to find out even more out the games story and narrative, there is a companion article available for you to read on the Mantis Games website here

Journey to Elysium Features

  • Breath-taking puzzles inspired by the classic adventure games of the ’90’s. Solving the increasingly difficult puzzles moves the story forward.
  • Explore a rich world that walks the line between history and myth. Investigate stunning locations, and use your VR senses to connect with the world like never before.
  • Row the boat across the river Styx, the most important way to travel in the game. Comfortable and immersive.
  • Two modes of rowing. When you are not rowing, you can experience two different ways of moving around thanks to the Comfort or Immersive modes.
  • Stylistic black and white visuals inspired by Gustave Doré, with use of golden light to guide you on your way.

If you want to take a peek at the other three dev diaries you can get to them from here

Dev Diary #1 – Genesis

Dev Diary #2 – Mechanics

Dev Diary #3 – Art

Journey For Elysium will be released in Q4 2019 and will be available on Steam for the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift VR systems.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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