Just Cause 4: Los Demonios DLC Announced

Just Cause 4, was already over the top and just that little bit crazy, and it’s set to be even more so, as you fight ancient demonic forces from the past in the latest DLC, Los Demonios, heading for a July 3rd release on PS4, xBox One and Windows PC.

All hell breaks loose, literally, when Rico and Javi investigate a temple off the shores of Solis, and a Black Hand archaeologist releases an ancient demonic force. Now a parasitic infection is spreading throughout Solis, striking fear into its inhabitants and attacking any Black Hand forces that it comes across. Rico, must eliminate this threat; seeking out answers to halt the demonic invasion before it’s too late.

The Los Demonios DLC is a new sandbox gaming experience. Fight demonic hordes, pulsing tendrils and spore-filled clouds infecting the inhabitants of Solis. If that’s not bad enough, the vicious demons can spit corrosive projectiles, possess soldiers, and even take over military vehicles and turn them against Rico.

Bringing back the liberation gameplay, popular from Just Cause 3, Los Demonios seamlessly integrates into the Just Cause 4 sandbox. There are more weapons and equipment to unlock, including the Demon Crossbow and Demon Egg Supply Drop.

“Los Demonios is the second DLC pack in the ‘Dare Devils, Demons and Danger’ Expansion Pass, and it brings a totally new experience to JUST CAUSE 4,” said Bryan Rodriguez, Creative Producer at Avalanche Studios. “For the first time, Rico is tangling with an otherwordly threat that will push him to his limits. This is our chance to see if Rico is as good at squashing demons as he is at toppling dictators!”

Just cause 4 has already received its massive Spring Update, that improves upon the world lighting and improves the visuals considerably. It also brought in destructible statues and train bridges, new chaos objects to destroy in the open world, more ammo and a dialled-up ‘heat’ system that will have the Black Hand challenging Rico like never before.

If you want more info on the development of Just Cause 4, you can read the Developer Blog hereIf you’ve purchased Just Cause 4 Gold Edition, then you will have 7 days early access to the new Los Demonios DLC, from June 26th. For more information on the Gold Edition visit: http://justcause.com/buy-now

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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