Ken Levine PAX Keynote

Ken Levine’s keynote speech at PAX focused on getting in touch with your inner nerd, Shacknews reports.

“And I realize they got this Fabio-looking guy on the cover,” said Levine, flashing the box art to crowd laughter.

Rather than issue a cool retort, the 2K Boston designer adopted a nerdy voice, explaining: “No, it’s not gay porn, actually it’s the expansion pack of the latest Total War.”

“All of a sudden I go from being this 40 year old guy coming off this big thing to exactly the same feeling I had when I was 12 years old.”

From Atari and D&D to Logan’s Run and X-Com, the theme of Levine’s address was one of finding peace with your inner-nerd. The former playwright’s keynote appropriately consisted of three acts, each chronicling a period of his life and the way that nerd culture changed it.

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