Killers and Thieves Latest Update

Staying true to their word, the team at Stoic fixed a number of issues with their latest title, Killers and Thieves. More updates are on the way, but here’s what’s available already:

Fixes from the latest build (5/30/17):

  • New recruits no longer spawn as only knife fighter. For existing games, this will apply to new recruits as they’re generated, not thieves that were already in the recruiter list. Changing existing recruits would have created new issues, but all future thieves will have correctly randomized abilities.
  • All stats now improve/appear correctly after training a thief.

The following have been fixed since launch:

  • The title screen includes How to Heist. Clicking this will take you to the youtube video. If you’re having trouble with heists, please check this out!
  • Pause is now spacebar.
  • Context toggle (used to be space bar) is now left-shift.
  • Bug fix: Auto-escape during heists now only has a 15% chance that each thief will be captured (used to be 100%).
  • Bug fix: Pressing the Eavesdrop hotkey (E) when your thief doesn’t have the ability no longer activates it.
  • Guards in Brinegates and Skardway are much less random in power, and will be a lot easier for your fighters to take down.

Thank you again for being part of the Killers and Thieves player community. The next major update later in the week will feature fully remappable keys.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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