King Arthur II Developer Blog Update

Neocore Games has launched their own official blog, and to kick it off lead artist Anikó Salamon has posted an interesting summary about how she created the artwork for the enchantress Morgana le Fay. I really like her art style, so it’s great to get a window seat into how it comes to life:

This year, however, we were in need of a Morgana le Fay, a proud and powerful enchantress, and in a flash it became clear that our Morgana has a lot in common with our nameless 17th century sorceress. I started to search for it as I knew it was hiding somewhere in a long-forgotten, well-hidden archive folder. Finally I found the original painting, and immediately began to work on the art once more, updating her look for King Arthur II.

We knew that Morgana had to have a darker personality, and she was going to be more like an RPG character with a complex story and a past, so I started working on her appearance with this in mind. But first I was only thinking about the basics: replacing the silk clothing with dark leather and steel, changing her hair from golden to black, her neatness to a jumble with ragged clothes. The whole composition became beautifully gloomy and foreboding.

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