NeocoreGames brings us a new early access update for their turn-based RPG King Arthur: Knight’s Tale. The update adds some fresh content to the game’s first act, reworks a number of systems, unlocks some new buildings, and fixes a few bugs.
Here are the patch notes:
patch v0.0.4 for King Arthur: Knight’s Tale is now live! This update is focused on Act 1 of the story, and contains new side mission maps, new playable heroes, all the remaining buildings in Camelot, new character management systems (Loyalty, Traits, an extended Morality Chart), and many various new additions. Some systems and layouts got revamped and further polished, combat and gameplay got further balanced and a lot of bugs got fixed. This is our second and by far the biggest update since King Arthur: Knight’s Tale went into Early Access.
Due to the massive amount of changes – like the alteration of the story campaign and many more – your previously saved progress won’t be compatible with v0.0.4.
New Buildings in Camelot
The Round Table is now accessible with available upgrades.
You can expand your active Hero list by unlocking new Hero slots. Those Heroes who couldn’t fit into your active Hero list will wait your call into battle here. You can swap them any time.
Throughout your journey in Avalon you can find Court Titles which can increase your Heroes’ loyalty towards you by bestowing knighthoods upon them. Make sure to use them well!
You can issue Laws now. Their effects are permanent until you change them, however, there is a limitation on how many Laws can be active at a time. You can receive various bonuses by keeping them active.
Decrees can also be ordered at the Round Table. You can issue one Decree after every mission but you have to wait 5 missions until you can activate the same Decree again. These can grant you resources and other valuable benefits.
The Crypt (previously known as the Burial Grounds) is now accessible in Camelot. This serves as the final resting place of those Heroes who fought and died on your side. Make sure to pay them your respects every once in a while.
New maps
Act 1 is now fully playable.
Three new story missions (Bridge of Sorrow, Whispering Cove, Heart of Midnight) added
New and redesigned side missions: 10 side story missions, 5 random missions
Revamped Hero recruitment
Heroes familiar from previous patches now have their own story quests for you to complete if you want to recruit them to the Round Table
New, recruitable Heroes
Sir Balin
Sir Tristan
Traits are the various characteristics of your Heroes. You can use them to your advantage by experimenting with various combinations of your party. Traits also play an integral part in the decision of whom you should leave behind when you go on a new challenge as wrong combinations can negatively affect your party
Each hero has a distinctive personality. Settle disputes and grant favors to convince various knights to remain loyal to you. Some of them will observe your decisions closely, and some knights will even have conflicts with each other. It is your job to select Heroes that are the best fit for your goals (and each other) at the Round Table. The hero’s loyalty is constantly changing through the decisions made by you – in certain cases, they can even leave the Round Table and turn against you.
New events
From now on, after completing missions new events will require your attention. Their outcome lay in your hands and your decisions can result in extra building resources, experience points and other bonuses, but be careful! Certain decisions can benefit you in some way but also come at the cost of injuries, the removal of traits or even permanent death
Certain events can increase your Morality points and the Loyalty of your Heroes
Journal Added a Journal which can be opened on the Adventure map. Here you can access various things:
Story: The story of your journey in Avalon can be found here.
Heroes: Learn more about the backgrounds of your unlocked Heroes and the enemies of Camelot.
Lore: Are you interested in the lore of the Avalon? Here you can read about Sir Mordred, the secrets of Avalon and more.
Tutorials: You forgot about certain mechanisms and need to recheck them? You can do that whenever you want here.
Reworked the Minimap layout
Time acceleration is now available during battles. You can speed up the enemy’s combat actions by pressing and holding Space
Your Heroes have two new, unique stats:
Perception: The higher its value, the more valuable loots will be sensed by your party during your adventures
Spellcraft: The higher its value, the more valuable magical loots will be revealed to your party during missions
During Deploy mode placing a hero onto a grid where another Hero stands will make the second Hero swap location with the first one
From now on some buildings in Camelot are needed to be constructed first to get access to other buildings
Those Lost units which rendered into reanimation state will perish once the last undead unit has been slain
Redesigned the Load/Save panel
Clarified the usability of the yellow Action points in its tooltip
Armour Breaking and Armour Piercing values added to Skill pop-up
Both the quality and the quantity of the offered goods at the Merchant were increased
Added Your Turn / Enemy Turn announcements during battles
New tutorials have been added
From now on the Minimap will rotate with the camera
The cost of your Heroes’ treatment will depend on their level
The AP cost of all the active skills are now displayed on the Skill tree
Hovering your mouse on any item in your inventory will now highlight the corresponding equipment slot
New consumable item type: Scrolls
Some rare Trinket and Jewelry items can grant you active skills but their utilization is limited
Several new items and enemies
The Vanguard received a unique ability: Hide
From now on Healing Potions will be regularly sold by the Merchant
Healing Potions can be acquired more frequently from loot now than other Potions
Rebalanced several active as well as passive skills
Bear Traps now cannot be set up adjacent to enemy units
Several maps, encounters and enemy units have been rebalanced
Fixed bugs
Fixed an issue where some Heroes who joined us during missions did not have Healing Potions
Fixed an issue where the chosen party formation was not saved once we left the mission
Fixed an encounter in the Relic Thieves mission where a Hero could stuck to the wall and as a result players had to replay the mission to complete it
Fixed an issue where Sir Kay’s Cleave skill could destroy the Bear Traps
Fixed an issue in the Cathedral where injuries were not removed from the Heroes properly even after completing the required number of missions
Fixed an issue in the Enchanted Tower where curses were not removed from the Heroes properly even after completing the required number of missions
Fixed an issue where if a Hero stepped into the range of the Moon Woman’s Area of Effect fire skill he suffered consecutive damage once we moved with another Hero
Fixed an issue in the Blades in the Woods mission where the chosen Hero did not receive the extra skill point granted by the NPC nor did the amount of gold get deducted
Fixed the Game Over window’s Load button which appeared if Sir Mordred fell in battle
Fixed the counter above the head of Lost units who were in Reanimation state. The counter did not move along with the enemy if a Hero knocked them back but remained on the same tile
In the tooltip of the Lost Skirmisher Reanimation ability 2 turns were displayed instead of 3. This has been corrected
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Val Hull
Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.