King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame II Interview

Hooked Gamers offers a fairly short interview with writer and content designer Viktor Juhász about NeocoreGames’ upcoming RTS/RPG King Arthur II.

Hooked Gamers: It has been mentioned that there will be an extensive tutorial for King Arthur II. Some tutorials can become too bogged down in every minor detail, whilst others leave the gamer wondering what they’re supposed to do. How do you manage to find a balance between the two?

Viktor Juhász: In King Arthur II the tutorial is not part of the campaign, so we have more options to fulfill everyone’s needs. There will be separate tutorials explaining various single features or options, like the new magic system tutorial or a tutorial for the camera settings and so on. The main idea is that you are not forced to go through all the tutorials in order to proceed with the game. It’s strongly recommended though, as the players of King Arthur The Role-playing Wargame already know, I guess.

Moreover, players can access the manual inside the game it will be similar to the Civilopedia of the Civilization series.

Thanks Blue’s News.

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