Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Destiny Card Profiles, Continued

Three more destiny card profiles have been added to the Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Facebook page, so we’ve promptly added the associated artwork to our image gallery and have brought you their descriptions below. Count me in as a Duelist on my first play-through:


With this Destiny, you quickly dispatch your enemies from both afar and close-range. Your specialty lies in delivering frequent, lethal strikes and overwhelming your adversary with varied attacks.


An Initiate’s powerful spells suffice to terrify the vast majority of Amalur’s threats. Embracing this Destiny results in a marked increase in the potency of your spells. An efficient management of arcane resources helps you outlast less disciplined magic users.


The Wayfarer could just as likely be seen in the vanguard of the Alfar army as alone in the woods of Dalentarth. With this Destiny you are an adaptive combatant and resourceful explorer of both wilderness and civilization.

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