King’s Bounty: The Legend E3 Preview

GameSpot has a short but very positive preview up for Katauri Interactive’s King’s Bounty: The Legend.

We were also able to collect runes we could use to develop our character’s talent trees. Because our hero was a paladin, all of his talents and skills had to do with leadership and magic. We also had a huge assortment of equipped items that boosted our stats. Now, your champion doesn’t go into battle himself; rather, his attributes provide significant boosts to all the units under his command.

In an interesting twist, our hero was married. His wife was depicted in the upper left-hand corner of the character screen, and she had four bonus-bestowing items of her own–including a baby (+5 to combat experience!). We aren’t entirely sure how matrimony or procreation will work in King’s Bounty: The Legend when the game finally ships on September 23, but we can’t wait to find out.

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