Kivi’s Underworld Character Profiles

Soldak Entertainment has kicked up another set of character profiles on their official Kivi’s Underworld website. Meet Diador:

Gladiators were rare in the lumen realm where magic permeates day to day living. They were something special, entertainment stars with real physical skill. Diador loved the stage and the competition, dressing her part in a spider inspired costume and playing to the crowd. Though brazen and fearless in tournaments she still had one humiliating secret, the shakes. She trembled in fear anytime she ventured to the edges of lumen territory. For this very reason, she had to do it, to overcome this silly phobia. How else could she claim the Grand Title without feeling unworthy? She was the best fighter in Avond Nuit, and when she conquered her fear, she’d be the best anywhere.

Arms: Sword and Shield
Skills: Block and Kill Bonus
Attributes: More health

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