Knights of the Chalice 2 Update – Bug Fixes, New Icons & Expanded Tutorial

The latest update for Heroic Fantasy Games’ Knights of the Chalice II expands the game’s tutorial, introduces a plethora of quality of life improvements, and fixes a number of bugs. Along with the changelog, we also get a quick roadmap for the game’s future modules and some links to a massive unofficial campaign.

Have a look:

Road Map To The Upcoming Trilogy

For anyone who’s wondering about the upcoming new modules, The Dark Arena, Forces of Chaos and Heart of Evil, the focus in all the modules will be a mix of gameplay and adventure, pretty much like Augury of Chaos but with more freedom to choose where you’re going. This means that there will be a world map or regional map.

I expect that you’ll start at level 1 and you’ll reach level 10 to 12 by the end of the first module, then you’ll reach level 20 or so in the second module, and finally you’ll finish the last module around level 30. In terms of the length of each new module, I’m also aiming for something close to Augury of Chaos.

Please refer to the Kickstarter page if you’d like to read a short description of each new module.

As for the expected release dates, it’s likely that they will have to be pushed back by a few months, mainly due to the unexpected amount of time it’s been taking me to fix the bugs in Augury of Chaos. So, I am now expecting May 2022 for The Dark Arena, January 2023 for Forces of Chaos and September 2023 for Heart of Evil. My sincere apologies for the delays!

Hearkenwold Adventure Module Released By Dorateen

Hearkenwold is a module developed by Dorateen for several years initially using the IceBlink adventure-creation kit. Dorateen has now rebuilt Hearkenwold using the KotC 2 Module Editor.

Hearkenwold is an open-world campaign, inspired by games like Pool of Radiance, Dark Sun, Might & Magic and Wizardry 7. Thus, there is some shared lineage with Knights of the Chalice. It aims to present a classic party-based Dungeons & Dragons type adventure with a focus on exploration and tactical combat. This adventure module offers around 25 hours of playtime.

  • Download the module here:
  • Read the forum thread here:
  • Watch the trailer here:
  • Watch an encounter video here:

The adventure begins with the party fleeing an attack on a feudal manor, and seeking refuge in Castle Hearkenwold. From there, the party members can be enlisted into service of the Kingdom, or try to explore on their own. This is designed as an open-world sandbox style campaign. While not set in a specific world setting, Hearkenwold does draw upon the Dungeons & Dragons experience, with the aspiration of recreating the atmosphere of a pen and paper adventure.

Special Thanks to Dorateen for this awesome creative work!

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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