Knights of the Chalice 2 Update – Tutorial, Bug Fixes & Added Features

With the latest update for Knights of the Chalice II, the game’s tutorial adventure is now complete. Which means that following some tying of loose ends, the game should finally be getting a proper commercial release. More on that below, along with the latest patch notes:

Hello everyone! Version 1.17 of KotC 2 Augury of Chaos is now available for download here for both Windows and macOS. I’ve finally finished creating the Tutorial Adventure. It has a few important choices and multiple endings. You can finish the adventure around level 8. I hope you’ll like it! ^_^

Now I’m going to focus on completing the village content and finishing the last remaining tasks required for the official release.

List Of New Features In KotC 2 Version 1.17

  • Added a new option under the ‘Display’ tab of the Game Options screen allowing you to automatically add to the character’s Quickbar all spell picks on level up and all new spells learnt from scrolls.
  • Added a couple of left / right buttons in the Character Sheet allowing the player to switch to the previous character / next character.
  • In the party-selection screen, added a new level-up button allowing you to level-up a selected party member without altering the character in the Character Roster file.
  • The Belt of Battle will now work with Flurry of Blows. Your Flurry attacks will benefit from the higher attack bonus, but you’ll still receive only the normal number of Flurry attacks for your level.
  • Out of combat, you will no longer need to equip a Wand, or any other item that can be equipped, in order to activate it.
  • The area of effect of Earthquake, Call Lightning, Call Lightning Storm, Shadow Storm, Ice Storm, Greater Ice Storm, Thunderstorm, Fire Storm, and Sirocco will now ignore altitude.
  • The area of effect of Bard songs and spells, as well as that of any spell with the [Language] descriptor, will now cover a wider altitude range.
  • When selecting your spells in the Level Up screen, spells that match your character’s attunement will be highlighted.
  • In the Level Up screen, when your Wizard or Sorcerer reaches level 15 (or higher), the tooltip message will inform you about the transformation option.
  • Sometimes, when moving near walls, certain party members would go to a position far away on the other side of the wall. This could also happen at the end of combat, especially on the Castle Map. Now they will stay near the party leader.
  • When importing scripts in the module editor, added two search boxes to facilitate the retrieval of a script based on the text you type in one of the two boxes. The first box will search in the filenames. The second box will look inside each script. For example, you want to create a new dialogue with a recruitable companion, but you don’t remember what portrait to use and what music to set. So you click import script and you type the name of the companion in the second search box. The search results will give you the list of all scripts involving the companion immediately. Open one of them and then append the script commands creating a dialogue with that companion. Then you can simply edit the dialogue text in your new script.
  • Added picture search boxes in the Inventory Screen of the Module Editor, when you double click on any item slot.
  • Scripts can now grant to a new party member the same amount of Experience Points as that of the player’s Avatar. The last two companions in the tutorial module make use of this.
  • Levelling-up a monster in the module editor using the player’s interface will update the creature as if resting at a campfire.

List Of Bug Fixes In KotC 2 Version 1.17

  • Fixed a source of crash to desktop when using Quick Load.
  • Fixed a source of crash when a full attack triggers the effect of the Good Fortune spell.
  • Fixed an issue with dominated / controlled party members not appearing in the list of party members when you want to cast Raise Dead or a healing spell on them.
  • Fixed a bug in the position of the character token during character creation in full-screen mode.
  • Fixed a bug with the display of the Hit Point bonus modifiers in the level-up screen.
  • Fixed a bug with dialogue options giving the party a surprise round.
  • Fixed a bug with the Cloak of Blur and Cloak of Displacement not granting concealment.
  • Fixed a tooltip display problem when displaying ‘Damage Reduction / -‘.
  • Fixed many broken links in the help entries.
  • Fixed the attack bonus of the last attack in the Monk’s Flurry of Blows chain. Also, the game will correctly check that the weapon is light and that you’re not wearing armour or using a shield.
  • Fixed a bug with the AI casting spells from scrolls.
  • Fixed a bug when swapping items carried by a character in the Module Editor.
  • Fixed a bug where you could not attack some creatures by mousing over them. This would occur in battles where more enemies appear after some time.
  • Fixed a bug with enemy Monks not using Flurry of Blows.
  • Fixed some issues with enemy movement in combat for enemies with multiple attacks.
  • Fixed a bug in the Spell Quickbar in the display of a spell’s casting time (move action, standard action, etc). Also fixed a few other issues with the Quickbar.
  • Fixed a bug with the main difficulty level selection box in the macOS version.

Next Steps for Knights of the Chalice 2

The coming steps are:

  • Wrap up the Village content, make sure that all quests can be completed, add encounters with the Giant Spider Prince and Xadriphar, add a few extra quests in Chapter Two and Chapter Three.
  • See if I can allow the player to save the game in places where you have to go through a long dialogue sequence before fighting, or you have to go from one fight to another without any chance to save.
  • Create new character tokens using the dialogue portraits made using the PVG assets.
  • Remove any remaining bugs. Improve the item descriptions of Magic Scrolls, Potions and Wands.
  • Add a new section in the PDF Guidebook on How to Create a New Module.
  • Add the names of Kickstarter backers to the Credits Screen. Prepare Steam and GOG Achievements.
  • Add a few new Magic Items like the Prismatic Helmet and Amulet of the Second Spell. They were mentioned in the Kickstarter update about magic items. These items would be nice to have for the Castle Map of Augury of Chaos, where you face many high-level spellcasters.

As always, if you find bugs or if you have any feedback, thoughts and suggestions, please feel free to let me know here, or in the forums, or by email at enquiries [at]

Thank You For Your Loyal Support, Valiant Knights and Wise Wizards of the Realm! Enjoy!! ^_^

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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