Rogue-lite tactical RPG The Last Spell has had a successful run in Early Access so far, garnering over 90% Positive reviews on Steam while steadily receiving updates. The developers have also been quite good at interacting with the community, engaging with the fans on Discord and being transparent with their future plans for the game. Today’s update is their biggest yet, featuring a brand new map, new enemies and challenge modes, and significant rebalancing of multiple game systems.
Key changes include a new map, Glenwald, which is accessible after finishing a run on the first map. Additionally, Ishtar Games have reworked the Worker system, and given much-needed buffs to melee weapons. Check out the full patch notes below:
Changelog “Glenwald Calling” Update
- New map “Glenwald”: unlocked when completing a run in lakeburg.

- New enemy exclusive to Glenwald: “Guardian”

- New apocalypses levels and rework of the existing ones.

- Rework of consumables: now consumables have uses per night.
- Rework on the economy of the “Workers” resources.
- Rework of the mana scale
- Buff on melee weapons
- Rework on some perks
- Rework on some skills
- And more”¦
Save Warning!The update will “break” your current run. If you want to finish your current run safely, we have another branch on Steam with the previous version of the game. When your run is finished, you’ll be able to update your game without being scared of losing your current run.
So, if you fear for your run when the game gets updated, you can choose to opt-in for the previous branch. To do that, you need to right-click on the game in Steam, “Properties”, “Betas” and then click on “v0.92.2.3 – “We can be heroes” update”.
That way, you’ll still be able to finish your current run. You can opt-in for this previous branch NOW, so don’t hesitate to do it! 🙂 Just know that if you wish to update your game, you’ll need to go back to the normal branch.
New Features
- New map: Glenwald
- New enemy: Guardian
New destructible elements of scenery:
- All obstacles can now be selected by clicking on them
- Some obstacles blocking the LOS can be destroyed and are then replaced with indestructible obstacles that don’t block the LOS
Rework of the existing Apocalypses and their order (more details below in the “Balancing” section), and addition of new ones:
- Full rework of Apocalypse 3: The map now includes several Mist Censers, an element of scenery which locally generates Thin Mist for the enemies to hide in
- Apocalypse 5: All enemies now have +2 Movement Points
- Apocalypse 6: All items except for the ones generated with the heroes now have an additional negative affix whose level of malus depends on the item’s level
Consumables now have a number of uses per night, instead of a number of uses in total
- Consumables don’t get destroyed anymore when their number of available uses reaches 0
- At the beginning of the production phase, the number of available uses of every consumable item is recharged
- Alterations affecting heroes are cured every morning at the beginning of the production phase
- Heroes can’t use skills during the production phase anymore
- When Accursed and Bulky monsters leave the Mist, they don’t attack right away anymore
- Improvement of the line of sight algorithm to avoid solitary tiles and be more lenient to the player.
- Addition of a preview of the AOE skills in their tooltips
- When previewing a non-symmetrical AOE skill (“Intimidating Scream”, “Tight Volley”, “Rain of Arrows”, “Suppressive Fire” and “Scorching Wave”), it is now easier for the player to visualize the skill’s orientation. Additionally, the player is now offered the choice to rotate the AOE skill when their cursor is over a tile oriented in the direction of a cardinal point.
- An attack no longer applies buff/debuff/status if the target dodges it
- Display of the tooltips now include stats caps
- The Construction mode input has been split into Construction mode (Buildings) for buildings costing Gold (W) and Construction mode (Defenses) for buildings costing Materials (X)
- Addition of an icon in the Easy mode menu and when the game is played in Easy mode, with information about the modifiers when hovering over it
- Addition of an icon when the game is played in Apocalypse mode, with information about the modifiers when hovering over it
- New option: Framerate limiter
- When opening the game, the player will now see a note if some keybinds have changed since the last time they played due to a game update
- Localization mods are now supported through the Steam Workshop (for more information:
- Community Suggestion: Improvement of the ballista’s targeting, so that several of them won’t target the same enemy if only one attack is enough to kill it
- Community Suggestion: Display of the ballistae, catapults and traps’ range in construction mode
- Community Suggestion: Players can now customize the warnings they see at the end of each turn in the option panel
- Community Suggestion: Players can now hard reset their save from the main menu
- The selected hero’s orientation now follows the player’s cursor when previewing a skill
- Similar alterations will be merged to appear on one single line, rather than on several ones
- Similar perks bonuses will be merged to appear on one single line, rather than on several ones
- Visual rework of the health bar of indestructible elements of scenery and traps
- Visual rework of the world map
- The color atmosphere will change during the night and day of the boss in Lakeburg
- Overhaul optimisation on the game
- Community Suggestion: Addition of a custom cursor
- Community Suggestion: Similar bonuses on rare and epic pieces of equipment will be merged to appear on one single line, rather than on several ones
Bug fixes
- Fixed impact SFX when hitting an enemy (NEW)
- Fix of a softlock that happened when players pressed the Esc key after opening a dropdown menu
- Fix of the hotkeys that were not properly saved and loaded
- Fix of the Esc/Enter hotkeys that didn’t work in the hero customization popup
- Fix of the heroes customization feature that applied a color scheme to other heroes as well as the selected one
- Fix of the “Shopkeeper’s Friend” upgrade that allowed players to get an unlimited amount of Gold when destroying the shop and buying it repeatedly
- Fix of a bug which made it possible to unlock new weapons during the very first run
- Fix of the boomer that still exploded while being stunned by a stun trap
- The save file has been optimized to be lighter in order to minimize the amount of crashes
- Fix of ballistae, catapults and traps not considering the resistance of targets.
- The skill Transfer, Mark and Cheer cannot be used on empty tiles anymore.
Reordered apocalypse levels
- Apocalypse 1: Enemies get + 15% HP –> Enemies get + 20% HP
- Apocalypse 2: Waves include +20% enemies –> Waves include +30% enemies but the overall XP remains unchanged
- Apocalypse 3: The map now includes several Mist Censers locally generating Thin Mist for the enemies to hide in (NEW)
- Apocalypse 4: All items cost +20% Gold and can be resold for more Gold –> All items cost +20% Gold but the resale costs remain unchanged
- Apocalypse 5: All enemies now have +2 Movement Points (NEW)
- Apocalypse 6: All items except for the ones generated with the heroes now have an additional negative affix whose level of malus depends on the item’s level (NEW)
Consumable items:
- Each consumable item is now available in six levels
- Addition of a new upgrade unlocking level 5 items
- Reduced the price of the shop’s upgrades
- Reworked the price of the items
- The shop is now guaranteed to sell at least one weapon of each category (melee, ranged, magic)
- Increase of the number of consumable items for sale
- 6 levels of consumable items are now available, depending on the shop’s level
- Price: 55 Gold → now 45 Gold
- Max buildings: 6 houses → now 5 houses
- Workers given per construction: 2 workers → now 1 worker
- Upgrade House Expansion: 55 Gold → now 30 Gold and added a second level House Expansion + for 60 Gold
For 1 Worker:
- Gold Focus: now gives 10 Gold and 7 Materials
- Materials Focus: now gives 4 Gold and 18 Materials
For 2 Workers:
- Gold Focus: now gives 22 Gold and 14 Materials
- Materials Focus: now gives 9 Gold and 35 Materials
For 3 Workers:
- Gold Focus: now gives 36 Gold and 23 Materials
- Materials Focus: now gives 14 Gold and 58 Materials
For 4 Workers:
- Gold Focus: now gives 52 Gold and 34 Materials
- Materials Focus: now gives 21 Gold and 85 Materials
Material reward given by the panic gauge:
- D, C and B grades gain more material at the beginning of the run
- All grades gain less material at the end of the run
- The distribution of this resource is better divided between the nights
- Watchtower: 40 Gold → now 70 Gold
- Slow traps: 5 uses → now 3 uses
- Warp Gate: 100 Materials → 80 Materials
- Ballista doesn’t block line of sight anymore
- Repair costs are now 50% cheaper
- Wealthy Haven 1: 50 materials and 50 gold at the start of a new Haven → now 25 materials and 25 gold
- Wealthy Haven 2: 100 materials and 100 gold at the start of a new Haven → now 50 materials and 50 gold
- « Epic Items Production »: the chance to get Epic Items increase slightly less per upgrade
- « Rare Items Production »: the chance to get Rare Items increase slightly less per upgrade
- Splitter: reduced the damage progression over time
Rework of the Mana scale: x2 everywhere but for a few exceptions
- Mana costs for weapon skills: x2, except for a few melee skill x1,5
- Meta upgrades now give +8 and +6 Mana
- Items: x1,5 Mana
- Affixes: x1,5 Mana
- Daily Mana Regen: x1,5 Mana
- Mana Well: regenerates x2,5 Mana
- The resistance scaling on items has been reduced
- The block scaling on items has been reduced
- All defensive skills (Brace, Evasion”¦) provided by items have now an evolution in their buffs depending on the item level.
Weapons: General
- Some melee weapons (Axe, Great Axe, Sledgehammer) don’t have native Accuracy malus anymore
- The base damage scaling for all melee weapons has been increased a bit
- Some weapons (Shortbow, Longbow, Axe, Great Axe) have had their base damage range widened.
- The Jump Over Wall skill, renamed “Jump Over”, can now be used on buildings and obstacles as well as walls
- Bash has now the skill effect “No block”
- Crush: Range 1-1 → Range 1-2, Cardinal, not modifiable
- Shred has now the skill effect “Opportunistic (25%)”
- Intimidating Scream: Debuff (Accuracy 10%, 1 Turn) → (Accuracy 20%, 1 Turns)
- Axe Boomerang: Range 1-2 → Range 1-3.
- Throwing Daggers: base damage multiplier 120% → 100%
Two-Handed Sword:
- Charge: Cost 1 AP, 1 Move → 1 AP, 1 Move, 1 Mana
- Hammer Strike: Cost 2 AP → 1 AP
Great Axe:
- Cost: 2 AP, 2 Mana → 1 AP, 1 Mana
- Debuff (15% Res, 2 Turns) → Debuff (10% Res, 2 Turns)
- PowerShot: base damage multiplier 200% → 175%
Heavy Bolt:
- Range 1-6 → Range 1-7
- base damage multiplier 150% → 170%
Impaling Bolt:
- base damage multiplier 100% → 120%
Explosive Bolt:
- Range 3-10, Cardinal → Range 3-10
- Number of use per turn 2 → 1
Power Staff:
- Pillar Of Light: Surrounding Debuff (Accuracy -10%, 1 Turn) -> Surrounding Debuff (Accuracy -20%, 1 Turn)
- Heroes now gain 10 perk points maximum (one per level until level 11)
- Leapfrog: instead of offering a new skill, now upgrades the Jump Over skill with +1 Range, the ability to target enemies, and costs 1 less Move Point
- Cherry Picking: +50% Reliability on isolated enemies → now +40% Reliability on isolated enemies
- Confident: While at full Health, +50% Reliability → now +20% Reliability, +1 Skill Range
- Magic Fuel: Magic Damage is increased by 50% of the Hero’s current Mana → now 25% of the Hero’s current Mana
- Mana Collector: Landing a critical hit regenerates 1 Mana → now 2 Mana, and the total mana is now capped at the skill’s Mana cost
- Thrifty: Moved the perk in the tree -> from tier 4 to tier 2
- Avid Learner: +25% Experience Gain → +15% Experience Gain
- Overload: no longer gives -1 Move Points
- Move Points are now capped at 17 instead of 14
- The Multi-Hit stat have less chance to appear on affixes and in level ups
- The Move stat have greater chance to appear on affixes and in level up
- Move bonuses are higher on affixes and in level ups
Aaaaand that’s all for today’s update! Don’t forget to update your game!