Legend: Hand of God Developer Diary #6

RPG Watch is offering up a sixth Legend: Hand of God developer diary, this time with Master Creating creative director Jan Beuck talking about the game’s unique cinematic combat system.

…we came about the idea that combat should have the look of a chorerographed render sequence – of course without losing the direct dependence on the character’s skills and equipment.

A simple idea, yet difficult to implement. so we hired a Vietnamese master of Escrima. Escrima is a martial art from the Philippines which can be practiced with any combination of twenty different weapons, both one-handed and two-handed. This was ideal because we needed a corresponding reaction for each weapon. Instead of using motion capturing, we handcrafted all animations in a painstaking process because we wanted a seamless fit for all actions. Besides, it can be difficult to get a troll-sized mocap suit.

The result is one of the highlights of LEGEND!

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