Legend: Hand of God v1.03 Beta Patch Released

Master Creating and dtp Entertainment have released a v1.03 beta patch for Legend: Hand of God that includes installers for the game’s German and International versions.

Patch 1.03 contains new PhysX drivers for Legend: Hand of God and requires version 1.02 installed if you own a german copy of this game. These drivers are considered open beta and as is! Please post your results, quirks and comments on this patch here and we will forward them to Master Creating.

The pack includes installer for both german and international releases.
Please unzip legend_physx103.zip and use the following installer for your copy of Legend: Hand of God

for use with international releases of Legend: Hand of God (in other words: not german): PhysX_Patch_INT.exe
for use with german releases: PhysX_Patch_DE.exe

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