Legends of Aethereus, Silent Storm, Talisman, Underrail, and More Greenlit

A slew of new games were Greenlit on Steam today, including some notable RPGs and RPG hybrids like Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land, Legends of Aethereus, Talisman: Digital Edition, S2: Silent Storm, and Underrail. There are far too many titles to quote, so I’ll go with this update on the Legends of Aethereus’ Facebook page to ring the good news in:

Hello LoA Fans, great news today!

We’ve been Greenlit!

We here at Three Gates Studio can not thank you all enough for your support and feedback! Today is a momentous occasion for us, and many many other friends in the Greenlight Community.

Thanks to valve for their assistance and amazing support.

Where do we go next?

We move forward now, as there’s still some work to be done to get the game fully on steam. Stay tuned for more information as the week progresses.

We’ll continue to patch, update and support the game moving forward. As well as working on DLC, but more news on that in the coming weeks.

Again, we can’t thank you all enough for your support!

-Team Three Gates

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