Legends of Norrath: Oathbound Preview

MPOGD has cranked out a hands-on preview of SOE’s recently launched Legends of Norrath: Oathbound collectible card game.

Each deck has exactly four quests in it. One each of a 2 point quest, 4 point, 5 and 6 points. At the start of a game, the 2 point quest is automatically placed on the board for each player. Either player may vie for their own or their opponent’s quest. When any player completes a quest, the next one in the sequence immediately appears.

There is a lot of variation within the quests. The benefits range from boosting units stationed near them, to giving rewards for completing them, to giving rewards for leaving them partially finished, or giving rewards for advancing, but not completing them. There are even some quests where the ‘reward’ for beating them may not be in your best interest. It can be a tactical move to leave a quest battlefield empty if you want your opponent to complete it instead, because their ‘reward’ would work in your best interests.

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