Lionheart Perks @ RPGDot

The guys at RPGDot let us know that they’ve added a third Lionheart feature to their site, this time focusing on some of the perks that will be available to characters in the upcoming RPG. Here’s something to get you started:

    Other Perks raise your attributes, skills, or derived attributes, but only under certain conditions or with regard to certain uses. In the following examples, the Perk raises the characters Attributes, but only when they are used in conjunction with specific skills:

    Weapon Handling
    You’ve spent some time honing your skills with melee weapons and better understand heft, weight, motion, and the subtle nuances of the attack. This Perk adds 5 skill points to One-handed and Two-Handed Weapon Skills and you receive +1 Agility when wielding these types of weapons.
    Number of Ranks: 1
    Requirements: Agility 5, Level 15

    You have a talent for hitting things at longer distances. You get a +2 bonus to Perception when you are using a bow or crossbow. It’s easier than ever to kill at long range!
    Number of Ranks: 1
    Requirements: 7 Perception, 6 Intelligence, Level 9

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