Loki Peek #1

RPG Vault has posted their first “peek” feature for Cyanide Studios’ Loki, kicking off the series with a Q&A session with one of the game’s heroes. Hmm.

Many of us know the Egyptian pantheon. Do you think that Loki shows a faithful representation of your gods?

On the whole, yes. I felt at home straight away. I’m not sure that Osiris got the best part, or should I say parts! (laughs) The nasty side of Seth definitely came through. I can’t say that we got on well together off-screen. In fact, nobody got on well with him. As for Isis… what a babe!! She raised more than just a few eyebrows, if you know what I mean. You can definitely understand why the Egyptians called her the mother goddess.

I realize that the interview was intended to be humorous, but I really wish the developers would take the game more seriously. This article doesn’t make me want to play it.

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