Loki Review

The editors at gameSlave bring us the first mildly positive review of Cyanide’s Loki, in which they give the mythology-based action RPG an overall score of 7.0/10.

All of the above criticism for Loki might suggest that it’s not a good game, but in reality is a perfectly decent title. The trouble with considering Loki is that – as it is so self consciously indebted to Diablo – you can only really point out those places that it has negatively strayed from the mold, as you are all more than familiar with why the original title was so good. This hack n slash RPG is big, brash and shiny, if slightly vacuous and repetitive – which is what would make it such fine console fodder. Recommended for inveterate fans of the genre, but newcomers would be better steered towards the old masters first.

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