Lotsa Stuff

Thanks to several contributors (mainly Inix of Ice Clan), I’ve posted up quite a few updates spanning all three realms.

New/Updated Albion Quests: Camdene’s Components (Avalon Marsh), Escaped Bandit (Salisbury Plains), Goblin Hunting (Caer Ulfwych), Heart of Sephucoth (Cotswold), Lady Leana (Prydwen Keep), Lord Aryon’s Box (Camelot), Nenet’s Research (Campacorentin Forest), Search For Sil (Camelot Hills), Squire Graid (Prydwen Keep), The Heretical Hermit (Avalon Marsh)

New/Updated Albion Equipment: Apprentice Cloak (Cloaks), Fiery Crystal Pendant (Neck), Gyrg’s Cloak (Cloaks), Lifetaker (Polearms), Quicksilver Bracer (Bracers), Silver Chain Necklace (Neck), Tooth Studded Sleeves (Arms)

New/Updated Albion Combat Styles: Critical Strike

New/Updated Hibernia Quests: Ring of Crossed Swords (Howth)

New/Updated Hibernia Equipment: Ring of Crossed Swords (Rings)

New/Updated Hibernia Combat Styles: Critical Strike, Piercing

New/Updated Midgard Combat Styles: Critical Strike, Hammers

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