Mage Knight: Apocalypse Preview has written up a detailed preview of Mage Knight: Apocalypse, based on what they learned about the action RPG during a recent conference call with Namco.

In describing how characters advance in the game, they had talked about how much of the skill tree is automatic, certain skills aren’t available without having other skills or abilities. This led to a question about whether min/maxing when creating a character would be possible, or if characters would be rather (cookie cutter) as they advanced. The answer was that min/maxing would absolutely be possible. (What you do increases your attributes by a little bit. As those attributes raise, you unlock skills on the tree. So if you do a lot of STR skills, you’ll unlock skills based on STR. Unlock a skill at rank one, use it to raise the rank. What actions increase the stats to let you raise your character as you want to get to the kinds of skills you want. Prerequisites for some skills are in multiple stats and other skills to unlock later ones in the tree, but it makes sense what branches off what.

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