Mage’s Initiation Post-funding Updates #28-29: Combat Demo Released

The twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth updates to the Mage’s Initiation: Reign of the Elements Kickstarter campaign are now available, and they contain information about the combat refinements the team at Himalaya Studios has been making lately, as well as download links to an updated combat demo. I’m not sure if they want the download links to be made public, so I’ll quote the other stuff:

As promised, the first backers-exclusive Mage’s Initiation combat demo has arrived. We’ve taken on board the most commonly requested feedback that we received from our previous Kickstarter demo, and have improved to control system to provide a streamlined playing experience.

So, what are these improvements, you ask? We’ll rattle off a few of the major ones below:

‘¢ Full mouse & keyboard control systems: Play exclusively with one or the other, or with a combination of both.
‘¢ Expanded arena: No longer is D’arc confined to a single forest screen. You may escape to the relative safety of an adjacent screen or chase after fleeing, fleet-footed foes.
‘¢ Auto-targeting system: Rather than having to move your mouse over an enemy to aim and cast spells, the new system auto-locks your target onto enemies so they can be attacked by clicking (or key-pressing) anywhere on the screen.
‘¢ Combat respite: Battle now pauses when you use the mouse to select a new spell from the combat GUI.
‘¢ A new enemy: The demo features a new opponent to do battle with and practice new tactics against. (The result of one of our stretch goals).

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