Magicka Interview

Now that their wizardly action RPG Magicka has sold over 200,000 copies, Big Download tracked down Paradox Interactive’s Mattias Lilja for a brief Q&A about the impressive milestone.

Magicka has now passed the 200,000 unit sales mark. How are sales of the game doing in comparison to previous Paradox titles?

Magicka is doing very well, we are really happy with it. It’s hard to compare Magicka to most other Paradox titles, though, mostly because of its genre. We have a few action-type games out right now (Lead & Gold, Mount & Blade: Warband), and so far Magicka is holding its own or even beating them. The affordable price point of Magicka is also a huge factor; how can you say “no” to a gem like this priced at just $9.99?

Why do you think this game has touched a nerve with gamers?

I think it’s the combination of a kick-ass gameplay and the retro, fun looks. The unforgiving friendly fire gets a lot of praise as well; hot seat co-op is just such a bloody joy. It’s even fun to die, as long as you have friends there to steal your loot… I mean, revive you.

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