Mark Morgan Interview

Music 4 Games managed to corner video game composer Mark Morgan (of Fallout, Fallout 2, and Planescape: Torment fame) and chat with him about his career, his influences, the types of games he likes to write music for, and more.

M4G: What would you like to hear more of from game soundtracks?

Mark Morgan: Maybe experiment in different ways with how music can be implemented to work in game-play and get away from the wall to wall music approach that seems to permeate not only games but film and television as well. The over-the-top orchestral thing is cool but I believe that sometimes producers are selling themselves and their game short by not being open to different modes of composing. In a lot of instances I feel a more emotional, ambient or minimal approach can really draw the player in by creating this totally immersive experience.

M4G: What has been your favorite project thus far, and why?

Mark Morgan: I still think the Fallout series because I was given wide latitude with some guidelines but very few restrictions to create what I envision would fit the Fallout world. At the time I was experimenting with a lot of ambient music and the fun aspect of the Fallout score was to blend a kind of odd ethnic, tribal and industrial sound design into something not only musical, but emotional.

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