Marvel Universe Interview

Ten Ton Hammer has posted a short interview they did with Cryptic Studios’ Jack Emmert and John Layman, where they attempted to learn something new about the team’s upcoming comic book MMORPG, Marvel Universe.

Attempting to tiptoe through the secrecy surrounding Marvel Universe, I asked the gentlemen if the Marvel license was proving more difficult to manage than they had expected. Elsewhere in the category, the Star Wars IP, thought by many to be a game developer’s golden ticket, had its share of problems as realized in Star Wars Galaxies, precipitated by rumblings of an time-consuming and creatively stifling approval process with LucasArts. Though Lord of the Rings Online had evened the record by adopting a storyline and design both the Tolkien estate and a large swath of MMO gamers could love, certainly there would be challenges to operating under the auspices of a license for the first time in Cryptic Studios history.

But no whiff of a game-breaking crisis brewing here. The usually evocative Jack Emmert mildly shrugged his shoulders, commenting that there had been no problems yet. John Layman finished the thought by outlining Cryptic’s strategy: “If you stay respect the property, the fans, and stay true to the characters, you’ll have a much easier time getting through the approval process.”

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