Mass Effect 2 Confirmed for PC

In addition to their Mass Effect PC preview, reports that BioWare senior manager Matt Atwood has more-or-less confirmed that the upcoming sequel will also be available on PC. No surprises here, given the fact that the original is PC-bound:

BioWare is yet to reveal any solid info on the highly anticipated Mass Effect 2, but with the PC game due in May we quizzed BioWare senior manager Matt Atwood about the possibility of PC gamers getting hold of the sequel at the same time as console gamers.

“We haven’t announced plans for timing on Mass Effect 2, period, so at this point we’re not really ready to talk about it, but because we’ve got a really great PC fan base we think it’s really important to deliver the PC experience as quickly as possible. Look for more news on that soon,” stated Atwood during an interview with

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