Mass Effect 2 Previews has followed up yesterday’s preview with an article on the uncharted worlds in Mass Effect 2, while NowGamer dives into the sci-fi sequel as a whole. From X360a:

“We’ve totally revamped it. It’s now much more of a gameplay based system rather than landing with the Mako and rolling around.” Houston told us.

“Exploration is one of the big three areas that we’ve really put a lot of effort into. Now you have to find the uncharted worlds instead of just being handed them and there is gameplay round them. We have resource gameplay and they’re actually real systems and not just kind of filler.”

So more detailed and bigger right? “Huge. It’s really no longer the 4km empty spaces… now they’re actually real hand crafted content.” Whether that would mean colonies and alternate life forms, Houston wasn’t ready to comment, “I can’t go into details about what they are, but they’re a very different experience. Let me just say that.”

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