Mass Effect: Deception Errors and Oversights Will Be Fixed

After realizing that Mass Effect: Deception was so chock-full of errors that some people were even burning their copies, BioWare has issued a statement that the many “errors and oversights” brought to their attention will be corrected in future editions of the novel. In other words, go buy another one in a couple of weeks:

Mass Effect fans have been asking for a comment on recent concerns over Mass Effect: Deception. We have been listening and have the below response on the issue.

The teams at Del Rey and BioWare would like to extend our sincerest apologies to the Mass Effect fans for any errors and oversights made in the recent novel Mass Effect: Deception. We are currently working on a number of changes that will appear in future editions of the novel.

We would like to thank all Mass Effect fans for their passion and dedication to this ever-growing world, and assure them that we are listening and taking this matter very seriously.

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