Mass Effect E3 Preview

WorthPlaying brings us yet another E3 preview, this time detailing the demonstration they were shown of BioWare’s Mass Effect.

What governs this is Bioware’s brand-new dialog system that uses emotions to express feelings. Unlike Knights of the Old Republic, where you selected your answer from a set of canned responses when talking to NPCs, you pick from a range of emotions. When speaking with an NPC, you now have the choice to select from a strong response, passive-aggressive, or other options, like talking your way through the matter. Once you select one of these, your character will then reply with dialog based on the emotion you selected. You don’t actually know what your character will say before he says it; all you know is what sort of emotions he will be using when speaking. This really helps create a much more realistic and compelling gaming experience, which is also boosted by the main character and his squad actually speaking with their own voices instead of replying in text (again, like KotoR).

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