Mass Effect Impressions

Twenty Sided has kicked up some lukewarm impressions of BioWare’s Mass Effect, based on their time with the Xbox 360 version of the action-heavy RPG.

Mass Effect is the worst game BioWare has put out in over a decade.

.but it’s still a great game.

I guess that says a lot about BioWare, that they can slide this far and still have a quality product. The elements that I love in BioWare games are still there, just watered down a bit.

The plot is interesting enough. The premise – that Bad Aliens Are Invading and Must Be Stopped – isn’t going to win any awards for originality, and it’s lacking the devious sucker-punch plot twist that earlier BioWare games gave us. But it’s engaging, consistent, and based in a new setting instead of pulling from the dregs of some played-out IP.

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