Mass Effect Interview

Mass Effect project director Casey Hudson took the time to answer two pages of “burning questions” about the sci-fi RPG over at IGN.

Q: It’s hard not to view the biotic abilities as being somewhat like the Force — since we saw things similar to a Force Push and the like. How do these powers differ and is it fair to say there’s quite a lot more we have yet to see?

A: Biotics are based on the concept of a gravity-like force that could be controlled by an appropriately talented (and implanted) user. So you can strip something of its gravitational effects, which causes it to rise helplessly. You can create a small black hole and crush the enemy with nearby objects, or you can distort space around them to physically damage them over time. There are a bunch of powers we haven’t shown yet, and it’s definitely a lot of fun to play as an Adept, where you have full access to Biotic powers.

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