Mass Effect PC SecuRom Editorial

The Mass Effect PC copy protection has, of course, made quite a stir here and there. A good spot to get a general idea of what’s all wrong is Twenty Sides.

1. As with BioShock, you only get to activate the game three times. If you reinstall, change some hardware on your PC, upgrade your OS, or move to another computer, you will (consume) one of these installations.
2. Mass Effect puts every user on a system of permanent probation, where the program needs to (phone home) every ten days or it will refuse to run. That is, not only is there online activation when you install it, but it also requires a silent reauthorization every five to ten days, forever and ever. Just in case, you know, your legit copy ever. what? Becomes pirated?
3. There is concern over what happens if you run out of activations, or your copy is flagged as a false-positive (pirate) copy. The BioWare guys say you can just (call EA) and they will be happy to resolve your issue. Here is the EA support site. I do not see a phone number. Testimonials in the BioWare forums suggest that EA email support has a turnaround time measured in days. I do not think they would behave that way if anyone could just pick up a phone and demand help, right now.
4. They have not been forthcoming about what is sent to the mothership during the re-authentication.
5. Nobody – BioWare guys included – seems to have any idea what sorts of hardware changes will trigger the need for a new registration. (Remember you only get three.) A new disk drive? A windows service pack? New graphics card? Plugging in a USB device? Cleaning the glass on your monitor?

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