Matt Firor Speaks

Matt Firor made a post on the Camelot Herald earlier today that addresses some concerns people had with the abilities added to the Mercenary, Hero, and Blademaster yesterday. Here’s a taste:

    We’re getting to the point where we want to add special abilities to classes that need some liveliness. These special abilities are for spice, for fun, for a once-in-a-while “get out of jail free” situation. They are NOT added to “make up” for a class’s weakness – they are just there for fun and for spice. These abilities have only advantages – they have no disadvantages at all. Because of this, they have far longer timers, so that they cannot be used too much and overbalance the class. Examples of this type of ability are the Mercenary Dirty Tricks, the Blademaster Triple Wield, and the Hero Spirit of the Hunt.
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