Mechajammer Patch v1.08 Available

A new patch for Whalenought Studios’ cyberpunk RPG Mechajammer is here, introducing a number of quality of life features, like the ability to rename save files, as well as a bunch of miscellaneous fixes and improvements, and an optional hexagonal grid.

Here are the patch notes:

Welcome to the Mechajammer v1.08 patch! There’s a long list of new features, improvements and fixes!

Load up a game now to try out tile mode – where you can play on a hexagonal grid! You’ve also been asking about changing the colour of your characters coats for a while now, v1.08 lets you rid of your green jacket for an array of other colours.

There’s not just visual changes in this update, but lots of balances to gameplay. Let us know how you find v1.08 over on the Mechajammer discord.

Features Added

  • Added menu to rest to pass time and heal life, although at the risk of random encounters
  • Added Tile Mode option for combat where players can play on a hexagonal grid
  • Notepad can open during dialogue
  • Can switch between walk UI and target UI in combat with hotkey for leading shot clarity
  • Companions and player pathfind around fire, oil, acid, electric sparks and traps, unless there are no other routes available
  • Can hire companions from allied gangs that use range weapons
  • Can change player’s coat color in character sheet and character creation
  • Can name saves in Save/Load menu


  • Button appears on HUD when camera has moved away from player follow zone
  • Skip button to cinematic that plays after “New Game” is selected
  • Removed text that flashes when using computers after first use
  • Tile Mode button added to options menu
  • Game Tips menu can be closed with escape
  • Escape and Save/Load menu hotkey can both be used to close Save/Load menu
  • Fixed bug where companion directive UI triggering while typing in a computer
  • Stealth attack and honor disadvantage now show correctly in game feed
  • Weapon aiming outcome showing correctly in game feed
  • Unhackable computers indicate encryption software immediately
  • Hovering over portraits shows names of companions and NPCs
  • Game feed shows breakdown of rolls for companions
  • Fixed merchant bug where items could get stuck after trying to drag them to a spot they won’t fit in
  • Fixed various text errors in character description fields
  • Fixed various text errors in dialogue
  • Added animation to terminal screen
  • Leg wounds that slow movement are accurately described in medical section of Character Sheet
  • Doors only say “Use Key” if player has key, otherwise indicates key is needed
  • Fixed flipped learning comprehension output in Game Feed
  • Rounds remaining in bag show when you hover over reload button
  • Updated label text on action button hovers to be accurate


  • Fixed bug where camera panning wasn’t immediate with W-A-S-D
  • Arrow hotkeys (defaulted to camera controls) can be set in Settings menu
  • Fixed missing cursor cinematics and credit screen
  • Fixed user-changed hotkeys not working until opening the menu the first time
  • Fixed waypoint disappearing when you interrupt movement
  • Zoomed camera back to show larger zone of interest


  • Balance: Increased player max health (for new and saved games)
  • Balance: Reduced NPC health (for new and saved games)
  • Balance: Increased damage to melee attacks made with range weapons
  • Balance: Decreased aim challenge modifier for most weapons
  • Balance: Honor disadvantage reduces stealth attack damage instead of blocking it
  • Balance: Stealth attacks only require two dice now
  • When you using a run potion, sneaking now functions as expected
  • Fixed bug where targeted body part can change after selection
  • Monster companions AI fixed to not say “Help” when in poor health
  • Merchants save inventory until you leave the area and return later
  • Fixed bug where player pathfinding ends accurately at clicked waypoint (except when clicking near unwalkable areas)
  • Aim to body part hover bug fixed when hovering near walls or water
  • Aim to weapon fixed to cause damage to weapon, not target’s body
  • Fixed bug with advantages and disadvantages saving correclty
  • Can charm non-hostile animals with animal empathy
  • Fixed healing animal companions
  • Fixed bug with gang ally radio call happening for non-allies
  • Fixed bug where you can’t hover over NPCs until you move when game loads
  • Fixed companions not saving correctly after dinner conversation following Three Hand Harry
  • Companions save movement directives between saving and loading
  • Spotlights pause when game is paused
  • Companions can be directed to attack doors, breakable boxes and obstacles, and chests
  • Fixed unexpected hovering target that happened while directing companions standing close together
  • Fixed resurrected lichin companion spawns attacking player instead of NPCs
  • Balance: Fixed bug where you can hire unlimited companions from one gang
  • Fixed bug where you can hire more than 20 companions when you hire a mercenary
  • Balance: Capped virtue chips that you can purchase from merchant to 3 total (exploration level up path only)
  • Fixed money lender dialogue not restarting after you say “Not interested”
  • Fixed bug with money lender not putting money in bag correctly
  • Computers don’t jam the first time you get username incorrect
  • Fixed bug where ATM computers don’t save their “Used” state and can be reused
  • Fixed bug with username logins not registering at ATMs (can be used once)
  • Old Town mechanic found his head
  • Balance: Stun gun difficulty
  • Balance: Pain Threshhold health bonus increased to three points to max health per die
  • Fixed bug where repair dice don’t show after character creation
  • Fixed unarmed pips disappearing after character creation
  • Fixed issue that occurs in Townsend Block where player attempts to jump and does not respond to further direction
  • Gang reputation meter stops updating after you’ve defeated the boss
  • Fixed the scrap of paper in Old Town Northwest Island that disappears when picked up
  • Reversing audio missing after hotkey rebinding fixed
  • Fixed bug where vehicles duplicate when saving right after entering vehicle
  • Fixed inventory error that occurs when two sockets are added to a weapon
  • Fixed issue with inconsistent NPC drivers added to maps
  • Fixed issue where NPCs cannot hear player when they are in a car
  • Fixed jumping out of vehicles into walls bug
  • Car sounds end when car explodes
  • Removed repeating dialogue that occurs when you run over rioters
  • Missing Fishmonger scout fixed in Factus South
  • Missing NPC Gyle correctly showing in bar in Factus Core
  • Fixed AgroFax guards missing quip
  • Fixed issue where NPC cars unexpectedly disappear
  • Fixed bug with gang backup squads stopping after first round
  • Companions always drop the loot that you give them
  • Balance: Cars do less damage when they hit
  • Balance: Cars have more health
  • Fixed issue where multiple versions of the Medic and Pelican can show up after dinner
  • Bridges closing and opening timed accurately with camera movement
  • Scavenger boss loot is reachable
  • Updated Ratling spotlight control computer to accept password from note
  • Miners spotlight control computer is useable
  • Missing NPC Tom in Old Town fixed
  • Can heal and talk to companions and non-hostile NPCs during combat
  • Sullivan can give you an extra code wheel if you lose it
  • Franklin gives you note to take with you to get back to his dock
  • Fixed incorrect XP applied when allying with gang boss
  • Balance: reduced penalties for attacking in shadow, attacking body parts, attacking moving targets
  • Balance: reduced damage penalties for graze attacks
  • Fixed issue where knockout attack was occurring even when roll failed
  • When NPCs use healing kits they roll for amount healed instead of restoring full health
  • Player will not try to reload weapon in combat if there isn’t any ammo
  • Improved turning for vehicles


  • Fixed bug where weapon visual order displayed incorrectly on last frame of animation
  • Fire barrels reload correctly after breaking them
  • Fixed bug with sprite for Earth Collective troopers
  • Portraits for jungle dog and Franklin have brightness adjusted
  • Missing floor fixed on Fishmonger map
  • Fixed collider missing in tutorial jumping area
  • Fixed floor overlap visual effect in Old Town Lender
  • Fixed underground boxes in Old Town Plaza
  • Fixed shadows missing in Mole commune
  • Fixed path missing to Mole commune super mutant
  • Fixed inaccurate building interior showing area in final map
  • Fixed flickering sidewalk floor Factus South Exit
  • Fixed wall that does not disappear near Quinton Trains Industries hallways
  • Ratling pants brightness adjusted
  • Chicken portrait added
  • Hostile drivers in Jungle areas have correct sprite
  • Missing floor texture in Black Market dungeon adjusted
  • Missing floor texture in Scavenger area fixed
  • Radiation Detector and Psionic Detector UI visible above darkened areas of minimap
  • Changed scanner sound to photo-taking noise
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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