Microsoft Fails PC Gamers

Daily Game has published an editorial called “Microsoft Fails PC Gamers”, in which they point out the many flaws in Microsoft’s Games for Windows Live program and offer some suggestions on how to fix it. Right now, the program only applies to Shadowrun and Halo 2, but I’m sure it will soon apply to at least a few RPGs and MMORPGs. Here’s the intro:

When Microsoft started talking up Vista’s gaming functionality, PC gamers got all hot and bothered. There it was, laid out in front of us, the holy land of DX10 graphics, and an entire “Games for Windows” marketing program. It couldn’t possibly get any better, as our PC gaming world was obviously not dying, and Microsoft was apparently not going to give up on us, expecting us all to move over to consoles, right? If Microsoft’s current PC gaming efforts are any indication, we’re all very wrong in that assumption. Judging by the lackluster game releases and the attempt to suck the blood from PC gamers with “Games for Windows Live,” it starts feeling like Microsoft is doing all it can to actually kill PC gaming.

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